Журнал. Вестник офтальмологии № 6 — 2020 г.
Обзоры литературы
Literature reviews
18. Менделевич Е.Г., Менделевии С.В. Постгерпетическая невралгия: ле чебно-профилактические аспекты и терапия прегабалином. Невроло гия, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2014;2:57-61. Mendelevich EG , Mendelevich SV. Postherpetic neuralgia: Therapeutic and prophylactic aspects and pregabalin therapy. Nevrologiya, neiropsikhiatriya, psikhosomatika. 2014;2:57-61. (In Russ.). h t tp s : / /do i .o rg /10 .14412 /2074 -2711 -2014 -2 -57 -61 19. Hutchinson J. A clinical report on herpes zoster frontalis ophthalmicus (shin gles affecting the forehead and nose). R London Ophthalmol Hosp Rep. 1865; 5:191. 20. Hope-S impson RE. The nature o f herpes zoster, a long-term study and a new hypothesis. Proceedings o f the Royal Society o f Medicine. 1965;58:9-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/003591576505800106 21. Scott T FM . Epidemiology o f herpetic infections. American Journal o f Oph thalmology. 1957;43:134-147. h ttps://do i.o rg /10 .1016/0002-9394(57)91496-4 22. Weller TH . Varicella and herpes zoster, changing concepts o f natural history, control and importance o f a no t-so-benign virus. The New England Journal o f Medicine. 1983;309:1434-1440. 23. Cobo M, Foulks GN , Liesegang T, et al. Observations on the natural history o f herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Current Eye Research. 1987;6:195-199. https://doi.org/10.3109/02713688709020090 24. N aum ann G , Gass JDM , Font RL. Histopathology o f herpes zoster oph thalmicus. American Journal o f Ophthalmology. 1968;65:533-541. https://doi.org/10.1016/0002-9394(68)93869-5 25. Penman GG . Scleritis as a sequel o f herpes ophthalmicus. British Journal o f Ophthalmology. 1931; 15:585-588. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjo.15.10.585 26. Marsh RJ. Herpes zoster keratitis. Transactions o f the Ophthalmological So cieties o f the United Kingdom. 1973;93: 181-192. 27. Marsh RJ, Cooper M. Ophthalmic herpes zoster. Eye. 1993;7:350-370. https://doi.org/10.1038/eye.1993.74 28. Liesegang TJ. Corneal complications from herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Oph thalmology. 1985;92:316-324. h ttps ://doi.org/10.1016/s0l6l-6420(85)34034-4 29. Cobo LM. Corneal complications o f herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Cornea. 1988;7:50-56. https://doi.org/10.1097/00003226-198801000-00007 30. Mackie IA. Role o f the corneal nerves in destructive disease o f the cornea. Transactions o f the Ophthalmological Societies o f the United Kingdom. 1978; 98:343-347. 31. Waring GO , Ekins MB. Corneal perforation in herpes zoster ophthalmicus caused by eyelid scarring with exposure keratitis. In: Sundmacher R, ed. Her petische augenkrankungen; Herpetic Eye Diseases. München: JF Bergmann ; 1981. https://do i.org /10 .1007 /978-3-642-80499-l_79 32. Thean JH , Hall AJ, Stawell RJ. Uveitis in herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Jour nal o f Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2001 ;29:406-410. https://doi.Org/10.1046/j.1442-9071.2001.d01-29.x 33. Bonfioli A, Eller A. Acute Retinal Necrosis. Seminars in Ophthalmology. 2005;155-160. https://doi.org/10.1080/08820530500232027 34. Womack LW, Liesegang TJ. Complications o f herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Archives o f Ophthalmology. 1983; 101:42-45. https://doi.org/10.1001/archopht.1983.01040010044004 35. П оном арев В.В. С индром Т ол о с а—Ханта: д еф и н и ц и и , кли ни ка , диагностика, лечение. Медицинские новости. 2015; 1:6-9. Ponomarev W . Tolosa—Hunt syndrome: defin ition , clinical, diagnostic, therapy. Medicinskie novosti. 2015;1:6-9. (In Russ.). 36. Thakur R, Philip AG. Treating herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia: an evidence-based approach. Journal o f Family Practice. 2012;6l (9 ) :9 -15. 37. Hunt J R. On herpetic inflammations o f the geniculate ganglion: a new syndrome o f its complications. Journal o fnervous and mental disease. 1907;34:73-96. https://doi.org/10.1097/00005053-190702000-00001 38. Liesegang TJ. Corneal complication from herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Oph thalmology. 1985;96:316-324. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0161-6420(85)34034-4 39. Ghatak NR , Zimmerman HM. Spinal ganglion in herpes zoster. Archives o f Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 1973;95:411-415. 40. Esiri MM, Tomlinson AH. Herpes zoster. Demonstration o f virus in trigem inal nerve and ganglion by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Journal o f the Neurological Sciences. 1972; 15:35-38.
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