Журнал. Вестник офтальмологии № 6 — 2020 г.

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Original articles

5. Alio JL, Abbouda A, Valle DD , Del Castillo JM , Fernandez JA. Corneal cross linking and infectious keratitis: a systematic review with a m e ta-anal­ ysis o f reported cases. J Ophthalmic Inflamm Infect. 2013;3(1):47. h ttps ://doi.org/10.U86/1869-5760-3-47 [? 6. Marschner S. Goodrich R. Pathogen Reduction Technology Treatment o f Platelets, Plasma and Whole Blood Using Riboflavin and UV Light. Trans­ fusion Medicine and Hemotherapy. 2011 ;38( 1):8-18. h ttps ://do i.o rg /IO .1159/000324160 , „ lo. 7. Sugita A, Okada Y, Uchara K. Photosensitized inactivation o f ribonucleic acids in the presence o f riboflavin. Biochim BiophysActa. 1965;103:360-363. h ttp s ://do i.o rg /10 .1016/0005-2787(65)90182-6 8. Al-Sabai N , Koppen C, Tassignon MJ. UVA/riboflavin crosslinking as treat- 19. ment for corneal melting. Bull Soc Beige Ophtalmoi. 2010;315:13-17. 9. Garduo-Vieyra L, Gonzalez-Sanchez CR, Hernandez Da Mota SE. U ltra­ violet A light and riboflavin therapy for acanthamoeba keratitis: a case re- 20. port. Case Rep Ophthalmol. 2011 ;2(2):291-295. https://doi.org/10.1159/000331707 10. Iseli HP, Thiel MA, Hafezi F, Kampmeier J , SeilerT. Ultraviolet A /ribofla- 21. vin corneal cross-linking for infectious keratitis associated with corneal melts. Cornea. 2008;27(5):590-594. https://doi.org/10.1097/ic0.0b013e318169d698 11. SeilerT , Hafezi F. Corneal Cross-Linking — Induced Stromal Demarcation 22. Line. Cornea. 2006;25(9): 1057-1059. 12. Hui Yang, Xue Xiao, Xue Song Zhao at al.Study on Fluorescence Spectra o f Th iam ine and Riboflavin. MATEC Web Conf. 2016;63. 13. Makdoumi K, Bäckman A, Mortensen J, Crafoord S. Evaluation o f antibac­ terial efficacy o f pho to-activated riboflavin using ultraviolet light (UVA). 23- GraefesArch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2010;248(2):207-2I2. Epub 2009 Nov 18. h ttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00417-009-123l-2 14. Astuti SD, Drantantiyas ND , Putra AP, Puspita PS, Syahrom A, Suharin- ingsih S. Photodynamic effectiveness o f laser diode combined with ozone to ^ ■ reduce Staphylicoccus aureus biofilm with exogenous chlorophyll o f D ra­ caena angustifolia leaves. Biomedical Photonics. 2019;8(2):4-13. https://doi.org/I0.24931/2413-9432-2019-8-2-4-13 25. 15. Wei S, Zhang C, Zhang S, Xu Y, Mu G . Treatment Results o f Corneal Co l­ lagen Cross-Linking Combined with Riboflavin and 440 Nm Blue Light for Bacterial Corneal U lcer in Rabbits. Curr Eye Res. 2017;42( 10): 1401-1406. Epub 2017 Jun 23. 26. https://doi.org/10.1080/02713683.2017.1332767 16. Hong Zhu, Irene E. Kochevar, Irmgard Behlau, Jie Zhao, Fenghua Wang, Yucheng Wang, Xiaodong Sun, Michael R. Hamblin, and Tianhong Dai.

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Поступила 31.03.2020 Received 31.03.2020 П ринята к печати 04.06.2020 Accepted 04.06.2020



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